Ben Rusk — Automation Expert

Ben Rusk - Gold & Silver
2 min readAug 28, 2020

What makes a person qualified to label themselves an “Expert”?

In my humble opinion when a person has dedicated more than half their life to a single passion which they make their career, their hobby and teaches their children all that they know for as long as they can, that is what makes them an “Expert”.

With the following credentials:
* 30+ year career in Information Technology (Computers/Internet)
* 25+ years running a Sole-Proprietorship
* 20+ years following a passion in Network Marketing

Now that I am able to share this wealth of information with others, I find it very rewarding when a customer gets elevated to the next level and clearly understands a path toward success.

Now let me tell you what this Automation Expert wants to do for you.

If you are an EMPLOYEE stuck in a job which you do not enjoy and are seeking a new opportunity where you are 100% in control of your time, and the thought of setting your own salary sounds good then let’s talk about your options.

As a Mentor I guide people in their transition from W2 to LLC so they don’t spend years getting established and developing a new stream of income. Automation is critical for new business owners to attract new clients and follow up with them to close the sale.

If you are an ENTREPRENEUR just starting out and trying to build an online business from scratch and just don’t know where to start. Let me help you understand the landscape and put together a plan that allows you to bootstrap your startup with incremental success that allows you to scale your business to the next level.

As an Automation Engineer I help people create sales funnels to attract new prospects, convert them into leads, explain your products and services, present an irresistible offer, compelling them to but, converting your prospects into customers on auto-pilot.

If you are a NETWORK MARKETER just starting out and hunting for the secrets of those in the top ranks of your organization. Stop buying all the training that is being offered and get a mentor. One that is not paid in advance , but paid for performance. Small incremental investments that bear fruit along the way is a much better model that favors the buyer (not the seller).

As an Automation Marketer I help people in network marketing use current and emerging technologies to attract new customers through means other than paid adverting, saving them time and money.

Don’t wait another minute life is too short for you not to follow your dreams and passions.

Ben Rusk

